Ministry Beyond Our Walls
Our Saviour Lutheran Church works with a variety of organizations doing meaningful work in our community and beyond:
Lafayette Urban Ministry (LUM) is an organization of more than 40 Christian churches that serves as a social safety net for Lafayette’s needy children and families. Our Saviour as a congregation is a long-time member of LUM. In addition to direct financial support, OSLC annually hosts Jubilee Christmas. OSLC members individually volunteer in programs such as LUM’s after school program and the St. John’s/LUM Food Pantry.
Family Promise is a non-denominational non-profit organization supporting homeless families in transition. Our Saviour Lutheran Church is a founding member of Family Promise of Greater Lafayette, Inc. Since the beginning, OSLC has hosted families in our building with individual members contributing countless hours and meals.
Mission Guatamala exists to help meet the basic needs and improve the quality of life of under-served and impoverished Guatemalan peoples through health, education and nutrition initiatives and missionary service. Our Saviour Lutheran Church has participated with annual mission trips . . .
Pack Away Hunger packs simple but highly nutritious one-package meals for low income people in the U.S. and in developing countries. OSLC leads a meal-packing event annually on Martin Luther King Jr. Day with the meals going to local needs and to Mission Guatamala.